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Verify Personal e-Receipt
Verify Corporate e-Receipt
Customer Service
Call Us:
  Private customers:+7-727-2377072;
  Operational time of Operational hall: from 9:30 to 16:30 Almaty time
  Additional phone number: 8 777 799 55 88
Service Guide
Rates and Tariffs
  Remittance Business
Pre-settlement Remittance
Non-account Remittance
Account Services
Open Accounts Business
Internet Banking
Personal Internet-banking Guide
Corporate Internet-banking Guide
News & Updates
News Announcement
ICBC News (2024-07-09)
Fingramota (2024-06-05)
Notice about postponement to the borrowers affected by floods (2024-04-17)
Time zone changing NOTICE (2024-02-27)
Announcement on Adjusting the Standard Quotation Spread of the USD/Tenge Currency Pair (2023-12-29)